Your home is the center of your daily life, and likely your most valuable asset. When your home is damaged or destroyed, you need your claim settled by an insurance company that understands this simple fact. Em Miranda Agency can help you find the home insurance that will best meet your needs and provide the most valuable combination of tailored coverage, quality service and fair pricing.

The right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by an accident, fire, theft, or other event covered by your insurance policy. Your policy may also provide protection against medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life, or property damage caused by an accident involving your vehicle.

What’s Peace of Mind Worth to You?
An umbrella policy provides additional layers of liability protection. If the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto or other underlying insurance policy, your umbrella insurance policy takes over and provides you with additional protection. The cost is minimal compared to the comfort of knowing you’re covered.

We are fully licensed in: New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut & Pennsylvania
Our Agency writes the following lines
of business and more:
•Business Auto
•Business Property
•Condo Associations
•Equipment Floaters
•Home based businesses
•Umbrella Coverage
•Workers Compensation

Our goal is to insure that your coverage meets your needs. Based on your needs analysis a proposal, specific to your needs, is developed.
We review how the various coverages will work for your situation so decisions are easier to make and provide you with:
Valued Service | Professional Advice | Quality Products
Competitive Products | Personal Service | Place our clients first
Respond to your needs | Be here for you tomorrow
"Proudly Serving the Tri-State Area"
When is your coverage too high?
When is it not enough?
Are lower premiums always a better buy?
The EM Miranda Agency is able to help you find the answers to these and more questions

Contact Us
We are fully licensed in: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut & Pennsylvania
Diversity makes our team stronger
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Tel: 914-574-4404 Fax: 914-517-1644